by Gabriel Pioaru | How To, Wordpress Courtyard
Activarea Jetpack Cum procedezi in momentul in care primesti urmatoarea eroare: Your website needs to be publicly accessible to use Jetpack: site_inaccessible Error Details: The Jetpack server was unable to communicate with your site [HTTP 403]. Ask your web host if...
by Gabriel Pioaru | How To, Server
I got a new server and a new website and now my website is not working with www prefix, but is accessible without www prefix. The solution of this problem it has a easy fix, but it involves 2 different actions: Adding a DNS Record Redirecting a www to non-www (as this...
by Gabriel Pioaru | How To, Server
When you manage more then one ISPConfig server or multiple websites, it just happnes sometimes to forget the passwords (in case you didn`t write them down) or can`t find the file where you put them. Don`t worry! There is a simple way to reset your ISPConfig admin...