Cum traduc un site in Poedit

Cum traduc un site in Poedit

Extrem de popular, Poedit este un tool rapid si usor de folosit. Developerii si traducatorii WordPress folosesc acest gen de tool pentru traducerea de teme sau plugins pentru localizare si internationalizare. In procesul de internationalizare si localizare sunt create...

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Cum fac Underline la meniu in Divi (hover effect)

Cum fac Underline la meniu in Divi (hover effect)

Pentru a obtine hover effect cu underline la meniu procesul este destul de simplu. Ce trebuie sa faci este sa inserezi codul de mai jos in Theme Options > Custom CSS sau in style.css (din child theme). [code language="css"] #top-menu .current_page_item a::before {...

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Website is Not Working with WWW Prefix – FIX

Website is Not Working with WWW Prefix – FIX

I got a new server and a new website and now my website is not working with www prefix, but is accessible without www prefix. The solution of this problem it has a easy fix, but it involves 2 different actions: Adding a DNS Record Redirecting a www to non-www (as this...

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Cum fac backup unui website wordpress

Cum fac backup unui website wordpress

Inainte de a opera orice modificare (mai ales daca este live) incepem prin a face un backup al intregului website. In acest articol voi descrie care sunt pasii de urmat folosind wpclone, urmand sa dedic un articol separat pentru clonarea si mutarea website-ului. Sunt...

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Change your ISPConfig Admin Password [HOW TO]

Change your ISPConfig Admin Password [HOW TO]

When you manage more then one ISPConfig server or multiple websites, it just happnes sometimes to forget the passwords (in case you didn`t write them down) or can`t find the file where you put them. Don`t worry! There is a simple way to reset your ISPConfig admin...

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